Categories: Science-invention

Drones are being used in agricultural research in Bangladesh!

The Dhaka Times Desk Many things are being done in different countries of the world with drones. This time, drones are being used in agricultural research in Bangladesh. This drone is being used in agricultural research in Patuakhali to revolutionize agriculture.

The use of drones is gradually increasing in different countries of the world. And along with other technologies in the world, various modern technologies including drones are being used in Bangladesh. At such a time, drones are being used in agricultural research in Patuakhali to revolutionize agriculture. It is reported that research work is being carried out with the aim of agricultural development using drones in the Barisal division of Bangladesh for the first time in South Asia.

For the past one month, research work is being carried out using drones in several areas including Jainkathi of Sadar Upazila of Patuakhali, Purwa Ameerabad of Kalapara. According to the related sources, research work is already progressing with drones in Ulaanbadna village of Barisal Sadar.

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With the approval of the Ministry of Defense and Agriculture of the Government of Bangladesh, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, University of Twente in the Netherlands and International Maize and Wheat Development Center have jointly used modern, advanced and effective technology unmanned vehicles (drones) in agricultural research in the country under this 'STARS' project. being done Farmers can use this vehicle to collect messages or information on applying fertilizers and controlling pests and diseases. Researcher of International Maize and Wheat Research Center says that drones are being successfully used in agricultural research in various developed countries of the world including the United States. Ziauddin Ahmad told the media.

Researcher of International Corn and Wheat Research Center to the media. Ziauddin Ahmad said, the vehicle (drone) used only for agricultural research will fly over 60 meters of the crop field controlled by the remote control program and at the same time collect still images and videos of various crops including rice, wheat, corn and mung bean. By analyzing the collected data it will be very easy to monitor crop water and fertilizer deficiency and farmers can take action accordingly. It is also known if there is a specific disease or insect attack. According to the information received, it will be easier to take necessary disease control measures. In this method it is possible to identify various problems of crop production based on accurate data in less time and less labor. As a result it is possible to prevent wastage of fertilizers and irrigation water and misuse of pesticides by farmers. After this study a guideline will be issued to the farmers. Through which farmers will continue to get detailed information about when and what methods to adopt.

It should be noted that the researcher received special training from Germany to operate the drone. Ziauddin Ahmad. After that, the Ministry of Defense of Bangladesh and other law enforcement agencies were informed about the overall issue of agricultural research through drones. Conditional use was allowed and agricultural research work was started with drones under the supervision of DGFI representatives.

This post was last modified on মার্চ ১৫, ২০১৫ 3:50 pm

Staff reporter

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