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বয়স ২১: বিয়ের ৭ বছরে ১১ সন্তানের মা!

The Dhaka Times Desk Only 21 years old. Married only 7 years. Still she became the mother of 11 children. This may sound like a farce, but it is true.

The incident happened to Naima, a resident of the Gaza Strip in Palestine. He is only 21 years old. Married again only for 7 years but she gave birth to 11 children. She got married to a man named Raad (25) 7 years ago. And in just 7 years of married life, 11 children came into the world. The reason for this is that out of the children born to them, 6 children are twins.

In an interview given to a TV channel in Saudi Arabia, Naima said, 'I don't want to get pregnant and give birth again and again. I wanted 5 children like other mothers. But God's writings cannot be refuted.'

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According to media reports, out of Naima's 6 twins, 5 are girls and one is a boy. They are still in the hospital. She has been unable to leave the house for several years to take care of her children.

Naima, a mother of 11 children, says most of the day is spent looking after the children. More time is required for twins. And the night is also spent feeding and caring for the children. Naima's husband is a government employee. Even if you earn about $500 a month, half of your salary goes to buy baby pampers. Naima, a mother of 11 children, said that although she received some financial support from Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, it was not enough.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ৪, ২০২২ 2:24 pm

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