Categories: international news

Saudi expats fear arrest again: over 50,000 arrested so far

The Dhaka Times Desk Saudi expatriates are once again under threat of arrest. Recently, the Saudi authorities have started an arrest operation to deport illegal immigrants.

again arrested in Saudiagain arrested in Saudi

Last week, Saudi police arrested at least 4,000 'illegal' immigrants in various cities of the country. However, nothing is known about whether there are Bangladeshis among them, or if so, how many there are. It is known that this operation is being carried out under the orders of the Ministry of Interior and Labor of Saudi Arabia.

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According to a joint statement issued by the Saudi Ministry of Interior and Labor, raids have been launched in various regions of Saudi Arabia to catch illegal foreigners. Some new tactics have been adopted in this campaign.

In this regard, Madina Police Chief Major General Abdul Hadi Al-Shahrani told the media that Madina Police have already arrested 2,853 expatriates on charges of violating local labor and immigration laws. After the second round of raids, the number of people arrested in Madina stood at 50,254.

Meanwhile, the illegal immigrants are in a state of panic because of the start of this operation. Many expatriates have stopped going to work in fear. Many do not go out of the house unless absolutely necessary. Many residents have to spend their days in such a situation.

This post was last modified on মার্চ ১৭, ২০১৫ 1:26 pm

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