Android phones will now detect human touch!

The Dhaka Times Desk Android phones are gradually coming closer to people's lives. It is known that this phone based on modern technology will detect human touch!

Android operating system-powered smartphones have now arrived at people's doorsteps to keep pace with the modern age. Google is going to bring a special feature for this smartphone users. By doing this, this smartphone can automatically detect the user's touch and adjust the lock screen. By doing this, the phone will also know whether the phone is in the pocket or held by the user.

According to media reports, this feature will work with the help of the accelerometer of this phone. When the user is away from the phone, the phone will automatically lock. If the user unlocks the phone once, the phone will not lock when held or in a pocket. But if you put the phone away then it will turn off automatically. Then again use the passcode to open it. If stolen, the thief cannot open the lock. Moreover, with the help of this feature, experts think that the trouble of opening the phone lock again and again will be relieved.

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This feature will be very useful to provide additional security to the phone and prevent unwanted data theft from the phone. But with the help of this feature, it will not be possible to identify whether the phone is in the hand or pocket of its owner.

Notably, according to Tech News, Android 5.0 or Lollipop version will support this feature.

This post was last modified on জুন ১২, ২০২৩ 4:03 pm

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