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Obama Announces: Iran Deal 'Within Weeks'

The Dhaka Times Desk Several changes are being observed in world politics. For example, the United States has shown a flexible attitude on the issue of Palestine. Again US President Obama has announced that there will be an agreement with Iran 'within a few weeks'.

In a few weeks deal with Iran

Several changes are being observed in world politics. For example, the United States has shown a flexible attitude on the issue of Palestine. Again US President Obama has announced that there will be an agreement with Iran 'within a few weeks'. US President Barack Obama has expressed hope that an agreement on the nuclear program with Iran could be signed in the next few weeks.

In an interview given to the Huffington Post last Saturday, he said, "The main goal of the United States is to reach an agreement not in 'a few months', but in 'a few weeks'." According to the media, however, Obama noted that Iran has not yet made the necessary concessions to reach a final agreement through negotiations with the six nations of the United States, Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany.

Obama expressed hope that, 'a deal appears likely because of positive developments in the negotiations on several issues.' However, he cautioned and said, 'Until all the relevant issues are settled, it cannot be said with certainty that there will be an agreement.'

It should be noted that Iran and 6 nations are negotiating to reach a framework agreement by March 31. It is believed that if this is implemented, the political context of the world will change quite a bit. Differences are expected to decrease.

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