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The first mosque in the history of Islam is 'Quba Masjid'.

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Today is Friday, 27 March 2015 Christ, 13 Chaitra 1421 Bengal, 5 Jamadius Sani 1436 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.


The picture you are looking at is the first mosque in the history of Islam, 'Quba Masjid'. The Quba Mosque is the second largest mosque in South Madinah after the Prophet's Holy Mosque. This mosque was built in the first year of Hijri.

The status of Quba Masjid and its features are described in the Holy Hadith. It has been said, 'Whoever performs ablution here and prays for one time will get the reward of one Umrah Hajj.' It is known that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) used to come here every Saturday to pray. He used to come on camel or on foot and offer 2 rakat prayers.

The third caliph Hazrat Uthman Ibn Affan (RA) first renovated this mosque. Caliph Omar bin Abdul Aziz built the first minaret of the mosque.

Later in 435 Hijri, Abu Yali al-Hosaini renovated the Quba Mosque. He built the mihrab of the mosque. In 555 AH, Kamal al-Din al-Isfahani made several additions to the mosque. Subsequently, the mosque was renovated during the Ottoman Empire in 671, 733, 840 and 881 Hijri.

During the modern Saudi regime, the Ministry of Hajj took over the responsibility of the mosque - making further renovations and additions to the original design. The present Quba Masjid is a unique architecture with modern facilities as well as Islamic heritage.

The mosque has several entrances with an inner courtyard. The north side of the mosque is reserved for women. Currently the mosque has 4 minarets and 56 domes. There is a commercial area of 112 square meters with accommodation for imam and muezzin, 1 library, watchmen's accommodation and 12 shops on 450 square meters. The mosque has 7 main entrances and 12 supplementary entrances. 3 central air conditioners with 10 lakh 80 thousand thermal units each keep the mosque cool. The historic Quba Masjid is a unique architectural masterpiece in white, which can be seen from far away.

Source: Courtesy of

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