The Dhaka Times
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Millions of gold can be found in human feces!

The Dhaka Times Desk So many billions of gold from the mall! Many people are surprised to hear this, but scientists claim that the incident is true.

Mall & gold

Scientists claim that billions of rupees of gold can be obtained from human faeces. Strange but not a rumor. Scientists of the US Geological Survey have made such a claim. Not only gold, but also other precious metals such as silver and platinum are in this human excrement!

Scientists say that everything we eat every day, from cosmetics to cosmetics, contains large amounts of metals. And these metals are mainly excreted through our stools. So scientists want to filter out those valuable metals from this feces.

US Geological Survey scientist Kathleen Smith told the press, 'We have already found these metals in human waste. It has also been possible to extract some of these metals.' Scientist Kathleen Smith also said, 'If our efforts succeed, human excrement will be the world's biggest gold mine!' So why wait to start looking for gold today?

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