The Dhaka Times Desk It is doubtful whether a man or any creature can be found who does not fear the sight of snakes. But this time it appeared so. Today we have for you the story of one such venomous snake and spider Kurukshetra fight.
Snakes are afraid only when they see a snake. Snakes are not afraid of anyone. And so everyone gets scared when they see a poisonous snake. Not only humans but other animals are also afraid of snakes. But a brave spider was seen fighting with the poisonous snake. The story of the fight between spider and snake sounds strange but it is true. An Australian farmer found a three-and-a-half-foot-long venomous snake helplessly trapped in a spider's web under his car. And due to being stuck, the spider attacked him.
Eastern brown snake and red-black spider are the most venomous in Australia. The farmer Neil Postlethwaite was waiting to see who would finally win their fight. Referring to the rare incident, he told the media, 'At first I could not believe the sight of the snake helplessly trapped in the spider's web. The snake was just hanging like it was dying.' He saw that the snake was alive. Trying hard to get out of the spider web. On the other hand, the spider is also trying to injure him by mixing its poisonous saliva.
Finally, after much struggle, the snake was able to get out of the spider's web, but could not save his life. "Two days later, the snake was found dead in the garden," said Neil. The farmer took pictures of the incident and disclosed the incident to the media. That is why the story of poisonous snakes and spiders spread in the web world. Source: Mail Online
Watch the video (click on the image of the snake)
This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ৩০, ২০২১ 1:00 pm
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