Categories: international news

Houthi now! The Saudis continue to ignore the attack

The Dhaka Times Desk Al Qaeda, ISIS is advancing like Houthis! They are moving ahead ignoring the Saudi attack.

The huthi & Saudi attacksThe huthi & Saudi attacks

Yemen's Shiite Zaydi Houthi rebels are advancing on the port city of Aden despite an ongoing joint offensive by Saudi-led Gulf states. From April 1, the rebels entered the country's port city of Aden. Meanwhile, at least 19 people were killed in clashes between Houthi rebels and supporters of Western-backed Yemeni President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi in Khor Maqsar area.

According to international media reports, the Houthis entered the Aden area armed with modern weapons in 4 tanks and 3 military vehicles. At least 122 people have reportedly been killed in Saudi-led airstrikes and clashes in the area over the past 5 days. Besides, many residents left their homes and moved to different places in fear of their lives.

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It should be noted that on March 25, the Gulf states led by Saudi Arabia launched a military operation in Yemen to suppress the Houthi rebels. This attack was launched in the wake of the Yemeni government's desire to "intervene" in suppressing the Houthis near the United Nations and Gulf Council 6 countries - Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.

This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ২, ২০১৫ 11:45 pm

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