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The story of the quiet hotel and a parrot Mia

The Dhaka Times Desk There are many people outside the capital Dhaka whom we don't even know because there is no such propaganda. Today I am presenting the story of the quiet hotel and one such parrot Mia.

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We get busy eating Nanna Baburchi's or Fakhruddin Baburchi's Khandani cooking in Dhaka. But there are many people outside this capital Dhaka who we don't even know because there is no such propaganda. Today I am presenting the story of the quiet hotel and one such parrot Mia.

Tota Mia's story & Niribili hotel

This famous quiet hotel is located on the east side of Tok Bazar in Tok Nayan Bazar of Tok Union of Kapasia Upazila under Gazipur District. This tok market is famous mainly because it is located at the meeting point of Kapasia in Gazipur, Pakundia in Kishoreganj and Gafargaon in Mymensingh. But not only in the communication system, the biggest reason to be famous is the 70-post bhaji bharta of Tota Mia's quiet hotel. Doubt you will usually find this in any hotel. There was only one hotel within the town of Mofswal, the Akbariya Hotel in Bogra. Only special bharta was available there. It is not known whether it is done now.

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People talk about Tota Mia's cooking. Only one thing about food quality and taste will seem so nectar. No item left in sight. Some items to keep in mind are:

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Meat: Beef, Chicken, Pigeon, Beef
Fish: Hilsa fish, Shoal fish, Rui fish, Prawn fish, Wind fish, Bine fish, Gura fish, Dry fish
Vegetables: Red cabbage, pui cabbage, mustard greens, jute greens, radish greens
Bharta: Potato Bharta, Mustard Bharta, Black Cumin Bharta, Shutki Bharta, Egg Bharta, Chilli Bharta
Pickles: Big Pickles, Olive Pickles, Other Mixed Pickles
Pulses: Maskalai, lentil, mung dal
Vegetables: At least 12 types of mixed vegetables, shrimp, chichinga, potal, potatoes, beans, bitter gourd etc.
The 70 pada bhaji bharta of Tota Mia's quiet hotel will never be forgotten in life.

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Apart from rice, fish, there are special drinks at Tota Mia Hotel. On inquiry it is known that Pan and Totamiya are not less than the hotel in any part. More than 40 types of items are made here. There is no pair of that famous Shahi Pan. Looking at the item and making it only worth 20 taka, it seemed very little in terms of price. Anyone who drinks here will remember it for life.

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Where did this parrot Mia come from?

Totamiya is the fifth in a family of eight brothers. Totamiya was born in this Tok Nayan area. He started working as a boy in a hotel in Cox's Baz about 20 years ago. And from there he worked as a cook for a long time in a hotel in Chittagong. The reputation of that hotel in Chittagong started spreading around due to its good cooking skills. Along with this, the sales of the hotel also increased. The fame of Totamiya's cooking once reached the ears of the people of this toke. At one point they requested Totamiya to provide a food hotel in Tok Nayan market.

And in response to that request, 8 years ago, Tota Mia Tok Nayan Bazaar was launched in a quiet environment and named it 'Niribili Hotel'. Tota Mia and her son run the hotel together. Totamiya's wife Saleha Begum supervises all the cooking. Both of them cooked at home and brought it to the hotel. A total of at least 70 items are produced daily. Tota Mia's quiet hotel is open continuously from 8 am to 2 am.

how to go

To get to Tota Mia Quiet Hotel by Dhaka Paribahan from Gulistan, Prabhati Banshri Paribahan or Bhawal Paribahan from Dhaka's Mohakhali, Jalsidi Paribahan, Samrat Paribahan, Egarsindur Paribahan, Ananya Paribahan, Ananya Classic Paribahan, Banya Paribahan, Ujan Bhati Paribahan or BRTC Car. Tok Nayan market can be reached via Kapasia. Again, you can go to Tok Nayan Bazar directly from Gazipur Crossroad by Rajdoot or Path Sathi Paribahan. From Mahakhali tok bazaar will cost Tk 110-130. It will take about 4 hours to reach Tokbazar by any transport from Mohakhali. Hotel Niribili will be seen in a quiet environment 200 yards away after going down Tok Bazar.

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There are several reasons why this place is famous. Brahmaputra river and next to it is Egarsindu, the famous fort of Isa Khan and the famous battle of Isa Khan-Mansingh in history. What is known from the history about this war, in 1596, a duel between Mughal commander Raja Mansingh and Isa Khan, one of the Bar Bhuiyans took place. This battle took place at the confluence of Brahmaputra and Shitalakshya rivers in Tanger village at the southernmost tip of Gafargaon Upazila in present Mymensingh district.

According to history, at that time Tok city was the capital of Raja Mansingh on the east bank of Shitalakshya river. It is located in the north-eastern part of Kapasia upazila of Gazipur district i.e. where Tota Mia Niribili Hotel is located. King Mansingh moved his capital from Rajasthan to Tok city in 1595. On the south bank of the Brahmaputra at the confluence of the Brahmaputra and Shitalakshya was the village of Tangab or this Tok Nagar. Egarsindu was the famous fort of Isa Khan on the other side of Brahmaputra river. There is Hazrat Sheikh Sadi Mosque. People come from far and wide to visit this historic place. History bears witness to many things here. That is why tourists come here. Fascinated by all the cultures of history. And to see these cultures, Tota Miya entered the quiet hotel. The parrot was overwhelmed by Mia's food. Why is he lying in such a village with so many hands? But no one knows the answer to this question. Information and Pictures: courtesy of

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