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Uproar over poisoned letter to Obama

The Dhaka Times Desk A letter given to the President of the United States of America, Obama, has been poisoned. Just one day earlier, Senator Roger Wicker received such a venomous letter. On April 17, the US intelligence agency announced the identification of the poisoned letter.
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On April 15, 3 people were killed and at least 150 were injured in the bombing of the Boston Marathon. The matter of sending poisoned letters to the President and Senator has made the central administration more worried. The FBI confirmed that the toxic toxin ricin was found in the letter.

In a statement, the FBI said that the poison was confirmed in the letter. No link has been found to the Boston bombings. However, the April 15 letter to Senator Roger Wicker contained the same toxin ricin. Meanwhile, after this incident, measures have been taken to deliver letters to the offices of Congress members through inspection at all post offices.

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