Categories: special news

The hotel where the poor are fed free every night

The Dhaka Times Desk Akbaria Grand Hotel and Restaurant in Bogra is a hotel that feeds the poor every night for free. It is being done since 1918 for 97 long years.

In a country like Bangladesh where the number of people of different origins is large. The number of people who can stand by the helpless people is not compared to that. Two or four people are found who stand by the helpless people of the society. Akbaria Grand Hotel and Restaurant in Bogra has been feeding free food to a large number of pilgrims and poor people every midnight for the past 97 years.

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Akbaria Grand Hotel and Restaurant is located on Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam Road in Bogra. The hotel authorities have been distributing free food to the beggars, poor, floating, destitute and needy people of the city for 97 consecutive years since 1918.

It is known that the late Akbar Ali Mia, the founder of this hotel, in anticipation of God's mercy, started the practice of feeding free travelers and poor people 97 years ago, i.e. in 1918. Tell the boys to turn it on before they die. His successors have continued it to this day.

It is known that every night there is no fake food but 1 maund of rice is cooked and cooked with curry and around 300-350 people are fed for free.

This is not seen in today's society. Akbaria Grand Hotel & Restaurant in Bogra is an example for all. Residential hotel above and restaurant below. The reputation of this restaurant is nationwide. Anyone who visits Bogra region chooses this hotel. Even though it is a hotel in Mofswal, the boarders who stay in this Akbariya, wash clothes and iron all the clothes and iron while staying here. But above all there is free feeding of the poor. Which is heard by people's mouths. If you want, once you go to Bogra, you can visit Akbaria Grand Hotel and Restaurant.

Thanks to Jubair Abdullah for the picture.

This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ৩, ২০১৫ 9:41 pm

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