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Here are some ways to avoid being caught by hidden cameras

The Dhaka Times Desk In recent times there has been an increase in the level of surveillance by hidden cameras. After the incident at a famous beauty parlor in Bangladesh, a minister was caught red-handed this week in India changing her clothes, causing panic among all. Today's report is about some ways to escape from these hidden cameras.

Hidden cameras

Beauty parlors, hotel rooms, public toilets or changing rooms in shopping malls can have hidden cameras. So, if you are not careful, you can become a victim of hidden cameras anytime. The fancy name of this hidden camera is Hidden Camera.

If you are a little careful, you can easily protect yourself from it. Very easy to find. Does this hidden camera exist in any corner of the house or not?

You will need a mobile phone (activated) from which to make calls. Now you enter the trial room and call someone from your mobile. If the call can be made and the network is full - then you know that there is no hidden camera in that room. And if the call doesn't work or the network suddenly goes down - you'll definitely know there are hidden cameras.

It is known that this hidden camera has a type of fiber optic cable. So it causes interference during signal transfer. Due to which the mobile network does not work there or is interrupted. This is how you can avoid hidden cameras.

Another thing is that the mirror in the trial room of the shopping mall may not be genuine. It can also be something as deadly as a hidden camera! Misuse of technology has now added fake mirrors or transparent glass between real mirrors. You can see your face in this mirror, but don't forget that someone is watching you from the other side or there is a sophisticated camera on the opposite side of the mirror. So how do you know if the glass is real or fake?

Hidden cameras-2

To test it, first simply put your finger on the mirror. If your fingertip reflection does not line up with the fingertip (ie if there is a gap in between) then the mirror is normal or real. But if the tip of the finger touches the head of the reflection, then the mirror is fake. It is not a real mirror. Understand that it is a 'false glass'.

And for those who use Android or iPhone operating system smart phones, it will be easiest to install hidden camera detection 'apps'. Having this app will let you know if there is any hidden camera in the house or not.

Nowadays, there has been an increase in the number of scenes captured by hidden cameras and spread on the Internet. So be careful about the above to avoid being caught by hidden cameras in beauty parlors or dressing rooms.

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