The Dhaka Times
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7 people died to save one!

The Dhaka Times Desk The incident is a bit of an exception. The reason is that 7 people died one by one while trying to save one person. The incident took place in Shantur, Guangdong Province, China.

7 people died

According to media sources, 7 members of the entire family were buried while trying to save a girl in Shantur, Guangdong Province, China. It is known that a 17-year-old girl slipped and fell while washing her hands in the reservoir. And 7 members of the family drowned trying to save him.

According to media reports, first the young woman lost her foot while washing her hands and fell into the huge reservoir. The girl's mother came running after hearing her scream. Then, one by one, the girl's father, uncle, uncle, aunt and other two members of the family also fell into the reservoir. The whole family was disoriented trying to rescue the girl from the deep water. They immediately decided to rescue the young woman by forming a human chain. But none of the family actually knew how to swim. As soon as the human chain was broken, all the family fell into the water one by one. Salil Samadhi takes place for the whole family. Later the police came and recovered the bodies. When such an incident is known, a shadow of mourning descends on that area. Everyone was shocked by such an incident.

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