Categories: recipe

Recipe: Eggplant Pickle

The Dhaka Times Desk There will be some special recipes for the readers of The Dhaka Times from today. Today we have eggplant pickle for you.


  • # Eggplant – 1 large
  • # salt- 1 tsp
  • # Turmeric powder – 1 tsp
  • # Five Boils -1 tsp
  • # Onion batter- 1 cup
  • # garlic paste- 1 tbsp
  • # Chili powder- 1 tsp
  • # sugar- 1 tbsp
  • # tamarind juice – 3 tbsp
  • # Oil- 1/2 cup
  • prepared method

    Cut the eggplant into two halves. Cut it lengthwise along with the tip and cut it in half, it will look nice. Cut and cut inside with a knife. So that the spices can penetrate well. Now add a little turmeric-salt and fry it. Remove when it turns golden brown.

    Boil panch in a pan, add onion-pepper batter and saute it a little. Grind with turmeric-salt-pepper. Now cook with sugar/molasses, tamarind juice. When the masala gets a little roasted, cover the pan with the eggplant. Cook for five minutes.

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    This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ২২, ২০২৪ 12:59 pm

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