The Dhaka Times
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A crocodile went on hunger strike!

The Dhaka Times Desk We all understand the meaning of fasting. But this is mostly done by politicians. But this time a crocodile went on hunger strike! Is this really true?

The hunger strike & crocodile

We hear of politicians or civil society people going on hunger strike. That is, fasting is done by abstaining from food and drink to collect the demand. But this time something exceptional was heard. And that is that this time a crocodile has gone on hunger strike. Is it really so? A crocodile that is eager to taste human blood has gone on a hunger strike. Although it is really impossible, the story is true.

This incident happened in the southwestern state of Texas. That crocodile lives in a big pond there. The 11 feet tall and 200 kg crocodile needs a little more space. This 40-year-old crocodile was removed from the big pond and brought to the zoo. That's why this long wide crocodile is fasting now. After the incident became known, everyone is flocking to see the crocodile in the zoo. This long-lived crocodile has not been fed anything since it was brought to its new place.

And so the zoo workers say that he is angry because he was removed from his place, so he is not saying anything. The main reason for removal from that pond is that children go to bathe where the crocodile used to live. As a result, this change is keeping in mind the danger. But the crocodile may be on hunger strike to return to its birthplace. Will the authorities accept the demands of the crocodile?

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