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Breaking News: Kamaruzzaman's hanging is effective

The Dhaka Times Desk It has been reported in the news that the war criminal Kamaruzzaman has been hanged. This news has been confirmed by a source of Dhaka Central Jail that the death sentence was executed by hanging at 10.30 pm.

It has been reported in the news that the war criminal Kamaruzzaman has been hanged. This news has been confirmed by a source of Dhaka Central Jail that the death sentence was executed by hanging at 10.30 pm. His body will be handed over to his family members. Kamaruzzaman's dead body will be taken from the central jail to his village in Sherpur. Eldest son Hasan Iqbal Wami told reporters, "According to his (Kamaruzzaman's) last wish, he will be buried next to Kumri Bajitkhila Orphanage established by him in Sherpur."

What were the charges against Kamaruzzaman?

The trial began on June 4, 2012 with the framing of charges against Jamaat-e-Islam Assistant Secretary General Muhammad Kamaruzzaman in seven cases of crimes against humanity in the 1970s.

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The charge brought by the prosecution says: 'During the Bangladesh War of Independence in 1971, Kamaruzzaman was the Mymensingh district president of the Jamaat-e-Islami student organization Chhatra Sangh.

On April 22, 1971, he formed the Albadar Bahini with selected leaders and activists of the Islami Chhatra Sangh of Jamalpur Ashek-Mahmud College. These forces organized various crimes against humanity in Greater Mymensingh (Mymensingh, Jamalpur, Sherpur, Netrakona, Kishoreganj and Tangail) including genocide, murder, rape, looting, arson and forced emigration.

7 specific charges brought against him:

1st Complaint

Killing of Badiuzzaman: It is said that on the morning of 29th June 1971, the albadars led by Kamaruzzaman kidnapped Fazlul Haque's son Badiuzzaman from the house of Ahmed member of Ramnagar village of Jhenaigati police station of Sherpur to Kaligar village of Nalitabari police station of Sherpur district and took him to the camp of Pakistani soldiers in Ahmednagar. He was tortured there all night. The next day he was shot dead on the road in Ahmednagar. Later the body was dragged and thrown into the water under a nearby wooden pool.

2nd Complaint

Torture of Principal Abdul Hannan: Kamaruzzaman and his associates roamed Sherpur city to beat the principal of Sherpur College Syed Abdul Hannan by shaving his head naked, smearing chalk on his face and face, wearing shoe necklaces around his neck, and beating him with whips.

3rd charge

Massacre at Sohagpur: In the early hours of 25th July 1971, the Pakistani army including Razakar, Albadar surrounded the village of Sohagpur in Nalitabari of Sherpur district on the plan and advice of Kamaruzzaman. They went from house to house and captured and killed 120 men. During this time, the women of the village were raped. From the day of that incident Sohagpur village is known as 'Vidhabapalli'.

4th charge

Killing of Ghulam Mustafa: A man named Ghulam Mostafa Talukdar was captured by members of the Albadar force during Maghrib prayers on 23 August 71. On the orders of Kamaruzzaman, he was kept in the Albadar camp located in the house of Surendra Mohan Saha. Mustafa's uncle Tofail Islam then met Kamaruzzaman and requested him to release his nephew. But that night the members of the Albadar forces took Gholam Mustafa and another person named Abul Kashem to Sherry Bridge on the Mrigi River and shot them. Ghulam Mustafa was killed but Abul Kashem survived by jumping into the river after being shot in the fingers.

5th charge

Killing of 8 people including Liaquat: During the liberation war, one evening in the middle of Ramadan, Kamaruzzaman and his accomplices kidnapped Liaquat Ali and Mujibur Rahman from Sherpur's Chawkbazar and took them to Banthia Bhavan's Razakar camp. There they were detained in the police station for 4 days after being tortured. Later on the orders of Kamaruzzaman, 13 people including those two were sent to Ahmednagar army camp in Jhenaigati. 8 people including Liaquat, Mujibur were lined up near the Upazila Parishad office and shot dead. A Kamaruzzaman and his associate Kamran were present there.

6th charge

Tunu's murder: In November 1971, under the orders of Kamaruzzaman, Al-Badr members took Tunu and Jahangir to the Albadar camp in Dak bungalow of Mymensingh Zilla Parishad. Tunu was tortured and killed there. Jahangir was later released.

7th and last complaint

Killing of 6 people: During the war of liberation, on the afternoon of 27th Ramadan, Kamaruzzaman Al-Badr members took Tepa Mia and his elder son Zahurul Islam Dara of Golapjan Road, Mymensingh and took them to Albadar camp in Dak bungalow of Zilla Parishad. The next morning, the Albadars took those two and 7 others on the banks of the Brahmaputra river, tied their hands and lined them up. At first Tepa went to stab Mia with a bayonet, but he jumped into the river. When al-Badr fired, he was hit in the leg. But he managed to escape. But the other 6 were killed by bayonets.

Details of the trial

According to the official complaint, Kamaruzzaman committed these crimes between March 25 and December 16, 1971. Judge Obaidul Hasan, the Chairman of Tribunal-2, ordered the death penalty in the case of Sohagpur massacre and the killing of a man named Golam Mostafa Talukder in charges No. 3 and 4 and said, 'The way he committed these crimes, there will be no justice unless he is given the maximum punishment.' Badiuzzaman has been sentenced to life imprisonment on charge number 1 and 7 as his involvement in the murder of 5 people including Tepa Mia's son has been proved. And on charge number 2, Syed Abdul Hannan, professor of Islamic History and Culture Department of Sherpur College, was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment. Besides, 2 charges were not proved (charges 5 and 6) and he was acquitted.

The Appellate Division of the Supreme Court gave a verdict last year (2014) on November 3, upholding the death sentence of Kamaruzzaman. The judgment was pronounced by a 4-member bench headed by senior judge Surendra Kumar (SK) Sinha of the Appellate Division. The other 3 judges of the bench are Justice Md. Abdul Wahhab Mia, Justice Hasan Faiz Siddiqui and Justice AHM Shamsuddin Chowdhury.

The Appellate Division of the Supreme Court also rejected the review (reconsideration) application against the full judgment of the Appellate Division of Kamaruzzaman. A 4-member bench of the Appellate Division headed by Chief Justice Surendra Kumar Sinha gave the verdict. After that, preparations for the execution of Kamaruzzaman's death sentence began. Today, the judicial process was completed with the execution.

This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ১২, ২০১৫ 8:15 am

Staff reporter

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