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Plan to replace the head in a different body for the first time!

The Dhaka Times Desk For the first time, a head transplant into a different body is planned. Valery Spiridonov, a 30-year-old Russian citizen, is preparing to transplant his head into a different body.

the head of the body

The world is shocked by such a news. Because we have seen many things thanks to science. But has anyone ever thought of transplanting a person's head into another person's body?

According to media reports, if everything goes well, in 2017, for the first time in the history of medicine, doctors will complete the transplant of a human head into the body of another person.

Spiridonov is reportedly suffering from the fatal muscle-destroying disease spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). He decided to transplant his head to save his life.

According to media reports, the main body of this groundbreaking operation is the Italian doctor Dr. Sergey Canavero. In all, 150 doctors and nurses will participate in the 36-hour operation.

It has been reported that Spiridonov's head will be surgically cut off and placed in a 'bone dead donor body'. Doctors said that even if the brain is dead, the donor's body should be completely healthy. The story doesn't end here, the operation will fail if Spiridonov's spinal cord and jugular vein are not successfully connected to the donor body's spinal cord and jugular vein.

But the Russian Orthodox Church stands in the way. Russian Orthodox Church authorities have declared the operation to be against religious belief as 'body and soul are inseparable'. This operation is criticized in the medical world as well.

If the head is cut off from one body and placed on another body, that person is afraid of various physical and mental complications. The immune system of that body collapses and eventually there is a fear of death.

On the other hand, the director of New York University's Langone Medical Center, Arthur Kaplan Spiridonov, the main initiator of the operation. Called Canavero 'crazy'.

It is to be noted that a case of human head transplantation took place in 1970. The operation was carried out experimentally on serous monkeys. The monkey died after 8 days due to difficulty in breathing and paralysis due to inability to connect the spinal cord properly. According to published reports, in 1954 Soviet surgeon Vladimir Demikov also operated on 20 dogs with extra heads. But those dogs did not survive more than a month.

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