The Dhaka Times
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Subhasree is acting in the film of Bangladesh!

The Dhaka Times Desk Bengali film of Kolkata means Subhashri. This time the heroine of Opar Bengal is acting in a film of Bangladesh.

Bangladeshi film & Suvossre

It has been reported from the production company Digital Movies that the heroine of Opar Bengal has initially agreed to act in a film called 'Swargiya Prem'. Bappi Chowdhury, the contemporary hero of Bangladesh, will act opposite Shubashri in this film. The film is directed by Wazed Ali Sumon.

Bangladeshi film & Suvossre-2

Shubashri has not acted in any film in Bangladesh before. So if the matter is finalised, this will be Subhasree's first Bangladeshi production. However, Subhasree had previously acted in the joint production film 'Ami Toh Cheyche Tome'.

Bangladeshi film & Suvossre-3

Director Wazed Ali Sumon told the media, 'We initially spoke to Subhasree. He also agreed to it. But there is no agreement yet. That is why nothing final can be said at this moment.'

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