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Saudi Arabia will start issuing visas to Bangladeshi workers from April 20

The Dhaka Times Desk Saudi Arabia will start issuing visas to Bangladeshi workers from April 20. The country's Deputy Labor Minister for International Affairs, Ahmed Al Fayed, made this announcement on behalf of the Ministry of Labour.

Recently, Saudi Government's Deputy Minister of Labor for International Affairs, Ahmed Al Fayed, announced on behalf of the Ministry of Labor that it will start issuing visas to Bangladeshi workers from April 20.

Ahmed Al Fayed said, in order to get a Saudi Arabian visa, the candidate must have two basic qualifications. First: They must be in good health. Secondly: Should not be associated with any type of crime. At the same time, one should have training about their profession and be aware of the culture, environment and religion of Saudi Arabia.

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It is known that visas will be issued to Bangladeshi workers in 12 categories. In the first phase, visa issuance for domestic workers will begin. Bangladeshi male workers visa will be given to drivers, gardeners and other categories as per demand.

It should be noted that although the recruitment of workers has been stopped for a long time, Saudi Arabia's Labor Minister Adel Fakih announced the recruitment of skilled workers in Saudi Arabia in January. Based on his announcement, Ahmed Al Fayed and Bangladesh Expatriate Welfare and Foreign Employment Minister Khandaker Musharraf Hossain on behalf of the Saudi government signed an agreement in Dhaka last month to send workers to Saudi Arabia.

This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ১৬, ২০১৫ 8:13 pm

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