Categories: international news

A father wants to sell kidneys to save fat children! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk A father wants to sell his kidneys to save his 3 obese children! Currently, these children are among the heaviest children in the world.

A father with 3 obese children is now helpless. A lot of money is needed to save them. And so finally the helpless father decides that he will sell his kidney if necessary to save the children. These children are currently in the list of the heaviest children in the world. Their names are Yogita (5), Anisa (3) and Harsh (18 months). Weighing 5 stone 5 pounds (34 kg), 7 stone 8 pounds (48 kg) and the youngest weighing 2 stone 5 pounds (15 kg) respectively.

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According to media sources, with the food consumed by these three children in a week, a family becomes food resources for two months. Again there is the issue of treatment. This poor family can no longer afford to provide food for their children. The children's father Rameshbhai (34) is now distraught and thinking of selling his kidney to treat the children.

This Rameshbhai lives in the Indian state of Gujarat. Rameshbhai, the father of three children, said that if the children continue to grow like this, they will face dire problems. Maybe then they cannot be saved. Yogita and Anisa consume 18 chapatis, one and a half kg of rice, two bowls of curry, 6 packets of crisps, 5 packets of biscuits, 12 bananas and one liter of milk every day. Their mother Praga Ben, 30, spends most of the day cooking for them. He said, "My day starts in the morning by cooking 30 chapatis and a kg of vegetable curry." After finishing it I got busy cooking more food.

Mother Praga Ben also said that the child never satiates the hunger of the three. They cry all the time for food. This family has another daughter, 6 years old, named Bhavika. But he is a normal child. Doctors say it is a disease. It will heal if treated.

Rameshbhai said Yogita was very weak at birth. He weighed only one kilogram. He was fed more and more to improve his health. After 1 year his weight stood at 12 kg. Anisa also continued to grow in the same way. Daily laborer Rameshbhai's monthly income is only 3 thousand rupees. But he has to face a lot of problems to feed his children. Now thinking of selling kidney to treat children.

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This post was last modified on জুলাই ২৪, ২০২১ 6:23 pm

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