What to do to take care of memory card

The Dhaka Times Desk In mobile or camera we use memory card. But in recent times it is facing various problems including viruses. So know what to do to take care of this memory card.

Memory cards are used in mobile phones or cameras. From taking photos to listening to music, playing games, everything is done with it. It is also used for various types of data exchange. In a word, to load the entertainment materials in the mobile phone, you need a good capacity memory card. And so it must be taken care of.

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Things to know about memory cards:

One. Avoid listening to music, watching videos or playing games on mobile phones for long periods of time. Only the memory card and even you may have physical problems.

Two. Never format a memory card on a computer if you need to format it. Complete this memory clearing task on your mobile.

Three. We often use memory cards as pen drives as well. This leaves the possibility of viruses and other problems on the memory card. So avoid doing these things. If must be used as pen drive, use mobile data cable instead of card reader.

Five. To preserve the memory card, use a memory card with half the capacity of the memory card supported by your mobile phone. And keep half amount of data in it. If your mobile phoneset supports up to 32 GB memory then use 16 GB memory card. And keep 8 GB of data in it.

Six. Clean your memory card slot with glass cleaner at least once every 3 months. The reason for this is that the memory card can be damaged even if it is exposed to dust or heat.

Seven. And avoid using fake memory cards. This may cause permanent damage to your mobile phone. Keep in mind that most fake memory cards available in the market are packaged in worn or old boxes. So you have to be careful while buying them. Use branded company warranty memory cards.

This post was last modified on জুন ১২, ২০২৩ 3:22 pm

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