The Dhaka Times Desk Harmful cosmic rays are coming towards the earth. Keep your mobile off from 12.30 pm to 3.30 pm tonight! Such news is actually a rumour.
"Today, Sunday night, a harmful high-radiation cosmic ray or so-called cosmic ray is hitting the earth. So to protect yourself from these harmful rays, you should turn off your mobile phone from 12.30 to 3.30 at night or keep it somewhere away from the body.
You may have received such a message in the social media Facebook inbox today. And believing that, he panicked and forwarded the message to his loved ones. But this is just a rumour. Rumors are being spread with such messages at different times for the past 7 years. This message has no basis in reality.
Today, Sunday, April 26, again, similar rumors have spread on Facebook. And that's why some such news has come in the news media. Singapore TV news quoted that 'mobile phones should be switched off from 12.30pm to 3.30am.
About the authenticity of this message, an official of the Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission told the media, 'There is no real basis in the claim of this message. It's all a rumour.'
The chief scientific officer of the Atomic Energy Research Establishment. Syed Mahmud Hossain told the media, 'cosmic rays or cosmic rays always flow over the earth through the ozone layer. But it is not harmful. However, if there is an explosion in the universe, the level of 'cosmic ray' flow may increase. Since no such event occurred. So there is no possibility of increase in 'cosmic ray' flux. But it has nothing to do with keeping the mobile phone off or on.'
This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ২৬, ২০১৫ 11:56 pm
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