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If you sleep in the laboratory for 70 consecutive days, 18 thousand dollars reward!

The Dhaka Times Desk The US research organization NASA has announced a reward of 18 thousand dollars if you lie in the laboratory for 70 consecutive days.

18 thousand dollar & 70 days

The American research organization NASA has recently announced such an offer, saying that if anyone sleeps in the NASA laboratory for 70 consecutive days, they will be given 18 thousand US dollars.

According to a published news, the US space research agency NASA is conducting a special study. And this research is about what effects can be on the body due to continuous stay in a place where there is no effect of gravity. Again, a special key system is required to stay horizontal in that weightless state; This research has been organized mainly to examine them.

According to the news media, NASA said - 'American citizens who accept this offer of NASA, will be placed on the bed with the head slightly tilted back and the legs slightly raised. That person has to lie down for 70 consecutive days.' However, it has been reported that those people will do cycling exercise during this lying period.

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