The Dhaka Times
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A strange city: where the population is decreasing to almost zero!

The Dhaka Times Desk Today I will present to you a strange city where the population is almost zero. This city is the city of Yubari in Japan.

Japan iubari city

We have heard of many cities but never heard of such a strange city where the population of the city is dwindling to almost zero. This city is the city of Yubari in Japan. We know that the population of any city increases gradually. But in 50 years, the population of the city of Yubari in Japan has decreased by 90 percent! Most of the residents living in the city are elderly. The school is closed because there are no children!

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After 5/6 years pensioners will become the majority in Ubari. In that case, Yubari will be the first such city in the world! The Guardian reported the exceptional news of this strange city.

This city was once known as the coal capital of Japan. But most of the buildings are now abandoned. Wild deer roam freely in the streets of the city. Yubari is located in Hokkaido, the northernmost island of this country. Yubari can be compared with very few industrial cities in the industrialized world.

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About the year 1960. At the very end of this year, the population of this city was about 120 thousand. The last coal mine also closed. In 1990, the outside miners also left. Then the population fell to only 21 thousand. In the next two decades, the population fell by half, to just 10,000.

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Yubari city is called the city of old people. If you look at the statistics, the name of this city can come out on top. Yubari is now the oldest city in Japan and, in short, the world. In 2010, the average age of the city's residents was just 57 years. By 2020 this average will go above 65 years. Then the 80-year-olds will become the majority in this city compared to those under 40-years-old. It is expected that Eubury will then become the only city in the world with a majority of pensioners.

There are no children in the town. And so there is no classroom! Yubari began to age steadily as the city's economic activity stagnated. The youth here have migrated to other countries in search of work. If there are no children, where will there be grandchildren in the family of the old women who are taking care of the house? And so only one out of every 20 people in this city is now under 15 years of age.

The main reason for this is that at least a dozen people die in this yubari to give birth to a child. However, Yubari, like other cities in Japan, once had many schools and colleges. But now only one school is running children, primary and secondary school activities that too nominally.

And that's why many people think that Yubari city can be called a small version of the whole of Japan in various statistics of population including birth and death rate. Renowned physician Tomohiko Murakami made similar comments when he shortened the city's last bankrupt hospital to a clinic.

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