The Dhaka Times
With the commitment to keep the young generation ahead, Bangladesh's largest social magazine.

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This time the model in Bangladeshi advertisement is Kolkata's Subhasree

The Dhaka Times Desk This time the popular actress of Kolkata, Subhasree, is the model in the Bangladeshi advertisement. He worked for the first time in Bangladesh advertisement.

Bangladeshi  ad & subhasri

Kolkata's current popular actress Subhasree has previously worked in a joint production film with Bangladesh. There are several co-productions to work on in the future as well. But outside the film, this is the first time he worked in an advertisement in Bangladesh.

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According to media sources, this actress from Kolkata became a model in the advertisement of a mehndi company in Bangladesh. The shooting of the ad has already been completed in Kolkata. It is known that this advertisement was directed by Saunak Mitra. And the popular model of Bangladesh and currently popular film actor Eamon worked opposite Shubashri in the advertisement. The campaign of the advertisement will start at the beginning of the upcoming fast - this is what has been reported.
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