The Dhaka Times Desk How many types of marriages have we seen? But have you ever heard that someone got married while running? This is exactly what happened.
This time such a news was heard. And that is that he took part in a running competition and got married while running. Many people are surprised to hear such words, but the fact is true. This incident happened in a race in London.
Two London couples got married on the run. The race is held annually in London. Some of the contestants will receive an iron mane and some will be awarded a bottle of water.
After the competition starts, everyone is busy to see who will go first. But the two contestants decided in the middle of the race that they would run right next to each other for the rest of their lives. And so they decided to get married. They later told reporters that they feel blessed to have made this important life decision in such a competition.
This post was last modified on জুলাই ২৪, ২০২১ 2:02 pm
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