Categories: entertainment

Popular TV actress Rosie after two decades in the film again!

The Dhaka Times Desk Popular TV actress Rosie is back in films after two decades. Acted in famous filmmaker Gautam Ghosh's film 'Sankhchil'.

Popular TV actress Rosie Salim has been away from acting for more than two decades. Who is better known to the audience as Rosy Siddiqui. He has returned to acting after this long absence. She acted in the movie 'Sankhchil' directed by famous filmmaker Gautam Ghosh.

It is known that he played an important role in this film. Rosie is an actress who won wide acclaim in 1993 by acting in Gautam Ghosh's 'Padma Nidar Majhi'. 'Padma Nadiman Majhi' was Rosie's first film.

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Meanwhile, Rosie has also joined the stage play. It seems that he is fully returning to the acting world again. His fans also welcomed his return.

This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ২৯, ২০১৫ 10:07 pm

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