The Dhaka Times
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Watch a heart touching scene of finding the mother! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk It is proved once again that there is nothing sweeter in this world than the word mother. A heart touching scene of finding the mother blindfolded will make you understand it.

A Video & mother

Mother is too small
But bro,
The name is sweeter than that
Not in Tribhuvan.

The above rhyme is not just words. We have evidence all the time that this is true. This time too, such a proof was found. There is no sweeter relationship in the world than a mother. A child can recognize his mother's arms only after he is born into the world. This time it was really proved that you don't have to get any speed to know your mother. These children in the video proved that he can recognize his mother very easily even if he is blindfolded.

In that video, it can be seen that children understand who their mother is, only by smell and touch. They can find their own mother among many mothers. To prove this, some children were blindfolded and asked to find their mothers, and they correctly identified their mothers by smell and touch. One cannot help but be moved by this heart-wrenching scene of the search for the mother.

Watch the heart touching scene

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