The Dhaka Times
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A devastated Nepal and humanity

The Dhaka Times Desk The once glittering Nepal has now turned into a ruined city. So far, 7,000 have been scattered in the worst earthquake in recent memory.

A devastated Nepal and humanity

Earthquakes make people so helpless, you might not believe it if you don't see Nepal. House-car, business-trade, family-family were all at one time. But now they have nothing. Now each and every person of Nepal has become a helpless person.

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In addition to the destruction of houses, the common people of Nepal are mourning the loss of their family members. Millions of people are living in tents. These people have to sit in the hope of when help will come, when relief materials and food will come.

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Victims of this cruel attack of nature, the people of Nepal are now spending their days in a helpless state. Those who have a few heads are also spending their days in tents due to the fear of earthquake. No one knows how long they will have to spend like this.

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Many people are injured in the hospital. They do not know whether they can return to a healthy life or not even those who are alive in the tension of life. Some have lost their legs, some have lost their hands. They may have to spend the rest of their lives crippled like this. In just one or two minutes, their destiny has changed like this.

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Over the ages, natural disasters have afflicted people in many ways. No one can ever deny such rules of God. But still people dream of living again. Sometimes stand up again as before. Nepal's reputation as a world-famous tourist destination has been shattered by this earthquake. Now Nepal is a ruined city. Those who once visited this city would stop in their tracks if they visited it now. How do you think this is possible? Can a natural disaster destroy a city like this?

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But now the way the world has come forward on the side of Nepalis is the only hope. If the countries of the whole world extend a helping hand to Nepal, maybe one day the devastated Nepal will stand up again. And so is our expectation.

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