The Dhaka Times
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Redroom under the Arabian Gulf!

The Dhaka Times Desk We have seen news of underwater restaurants before. But this is the first time we heard about the bedroom under the water. Redroom built under the Arabian Gulf!

bed Rooms the bottom of Water

We do a lot of cool things like underwater restaurants or water cruises. This is especially common among travelers. A three-storey floating house was recently built in the Arabian Gulf. And this house was built by the UAE real estate company Kleindienst Group. But the specialty is that the bedroom of this house is completely under water.

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They did not build such houses only because of lack of living space. Rather, the house is built for luxury. The bedroom of this luxury house is completely underwater. And from the living room or touch the water!

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According to media reports, this underwater house is made entirely of glass. As the wall of the house is made of glass, the beauty of the sea can be realized from inside it. Seeing such a beautiful house being built, many people said that not only humans - even the animals under the sea might be fascinated by this house!

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