Categories: international news

In the news of a treasure in a mountain of the United States, a scandal!

The Dhaka Times Desk In earlier times, kings used to hide treasures. After receiving the news that there is a treasure in a mountain in the United States, a huge scandal has started.

The story of the treasure of the period of the kings has come up in this modern period. Once upon a time we heard about treasure, but now it sounds like a fairy tale. The Rocky Mountains of North America have real treasures.

According to media reports, a millionaire buried a chest full of gold and valuables there on a whim. When the news spread, thousands of people went to the Rocky Mountains in search of the ark. But no one has found the treasure yet. Art and gold collector Forrest Fenn of the US state of New Mexico is basically this mystery seeker.

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It is said in the news that the person feels the desire to hide his wealth and get pleasure. But he could not think of how to hide them. Later, he filled his gold ornaments in a 100 square inch chest and hid it in the Rocky Mountains. After this news spread 5 years ago, till now many people are plowing the entire mountainous area in search of that ark. But none succeeded.

One problem is, no one knows which part of the 3,000 mile stretch of the Rocky Mountains the Ark is. Fanatic Fenn also speculates that it could be anywhere from Colorado to Montana, New Mexico or Wyoming. At least 30,000 people searched for the ark there last summer. It is reported that 50,000 people are interested in finding the treasure this summer.

It contained 256 gold coins, thousands of gold pieces the size of hen's eggs, rubies, emeralds, sapphires and diamond objects, said, citing Forest Fenn. But so far no trace of the treasure has been found. But is there really a hidden treasure there?

This post was last modified on জুলাই ২৪, ২০২১ 12:43 pm

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