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The shooting of 'Shol Anna Prem' is over: Now waiting for the release

The Dhaka Times Desk Nowadays, domestic films are doing very well. The shooting of 'Shol Anna Prem' has already been completed. Now just waiting for release.

Sixteen Anna Love

Simon Sadiq and newcomer Tani have teamed up in 'Shol Anna Prem'. The film has finished shooting in various locations and is now awaiting censors and release. It is known from the production company that despite being a newcomer, she has performed well.

All the shooting work of 'Shol Anna Prem' directed by Vidyut was completed last year but some post production work was left. The director of the film said that the work has also been completed.

The love and action film 'Shol Anna Prem' stars Simon Sadiq, newcomer Tani, Nirjana, Kazi Hayat, Mizu Ahmed, Shanku Panja, Suvarta, Rebecca and Alexander Bo. Filmed by Inamul Haque Sohail, produced by Mithi Films and Tribhuj Kathachitra, 'Shol Anna Prem' is expected to release soon. But the date has not been fixed yet.

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