Categories: international news

Yesterday's earthquake killed 68 in Nepal

The Dhaka Times Desk At least 68 people lost their lives in an earthquake in Nepal. Nepal, India and Bangladesh were simultaneously shaken by this earthquake which was felt at 1:07 pm on Tuesday.

Yesterday in Nepal kills 30Yesterday in Nepal kills 30

Nepal, known as the daughter of the Himalayas, was once again shaken by a terrible earthquake without being able to cope with the shock of the deadliest earthquake in the last eighty years. At least 68 people have been killed and 1,000 injured in the country due to another earthquake, according to media sources.

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According to media reports, the epicenter of the earthquake in Nepal's Kodari was 7.4 on the Richter scale. Its origin was 18.05 km deep from the surface. At least 4 aftershocks were felt in the 40 minutes following yesterday's main earthquake. Among these, the highest magnitude was 6.1.

It should be noted that Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, and the entire surrounding area have been destroyed by the recent earthquake. So far 8 and a half thousand have been killed.

This post was last modified on মে ১৩, ২০১৫ 9:20 am

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