The Dhaka Times
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The lion cub now in the arms of the chimpanzee!

The Dhaka Times Desk Although chimpanzees are animals, they behave like humans. The proof of which we have found many times before. Now the chimpanzee picked up a lion cub!

The chimp & lion cub

News of such an incident has once again hit the news media headlines. And that is - 3 lion cubs have taken place in a chimpanzee's lap in a zoo in South Carolina, America. Amazingly, just like humans, chimpanzees have been seen feeding lion cubs with feeders!

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According to the news, chimpanzees and lions are closely related at this zoo in South Carolina. The day is spent playing between chimpanzees and lions. Chimpanzees are raising lion cubs as well as their own.

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This is a rare sight. Photographers have captured such a rare scene of feeding them with a feeder when they are hungry. Everyone was shocked to see such friendship between chimpanzees and lions. A chimpanzee is doing the same as an animal as humans show compassion to humans.
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