The Dhaka Times
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20 years waiting at the station for a lover!

The Dhaka Times Desk Laili Majnu's love in this age! Such a lover has been waiting for his lover at the station for 20 years!

waiting for lover

Majnu is mad because of Laili's love. Chandidas fell in love with Rajkini and waited for Barashi for 12 years in a dry pond. From waiting for Yusuf's love, Julekha has become a stumbling old woman. We have heard many such stories. But in this period, waiting for a lover for 20 years! But the story is true. A new story was born by Taiwan's Ah Jie.

47-year-old Ah Ji has been waiting for his lover at a railway station for the past 20 years. He was supposed to meet his lover at this railway station.

Although it is difficult to accept the matter, it is true that Ah Ji has been waiting for her lover at the Tainan railway station in Taiwan for two consecutive decades. Counting the waiting time, this is his lover! But he doesn't come anymore. Ji does not say clearly whether his lover has been married for a long time or where she lives or where she is a resident. Just waiting for years.

According to media reports, people coming and going to the station see Ah Ji every day, Ji is standing in the same place. Ji spent the first few years waiting on a staircase in front of the railway station entrance. Recently he stood in front of the exit. He looks at the passengers coming down from each train. On the way, people also looked at this man standing helpless. A lover waiting starvingly under the open sky.

Lover Ji has become a familiar face in all these years. Give someone some food. Again someone gives a dress. In the beginning, sometimes the family members came and tried to convince him to take him back, but Ji did not agree. Three years ago, social workers took him and admitted him to a hospital. But after 3 days, he ran away and stayed at the same place.

The mayor of the city also took him to a church banquet one day after the lover's affair became known. His family members were also invited there. But don't want to understand anything. To be honest, he will wait for his lover - if necessary for the rest of his life, that is, for eternity.

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