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Divorce husband because there is no toilet! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk A wife divorced her husband because he did not have a toilet. The incident took place at Paharpur in Vaishali, Bihar, India.


Even in this modern age, it is sad to hear that there is no toilet. But one such incident has been reported. A woman ended her marital relationship after being insulted and humiliated while doing natural work in an open field due to lack of toilet in Paharpur area of Vaishali, Bihar state, India. In the end, the housewife named Sunita Devi went to her father's house after breaking up the relationship.

25-year-old Sunita Devi's home is in Paharpur, Vaishali, Bihar, India. She got married to Dhiraj Chowdhury, a vegetable trader in Bishenpur Panchayat in 2011. The childless couple lived in a two-room half-furnished, half-thatched house.

In this remote part of India, there is a severe shortage of natural working toilets. Due to which women in most cases have to do natural work at night. But even that is not free. Many women of the country are kidnapped and even raped while going outside the house to do natural work. Many have even died due to gang rape.

One such incident occurred. Being insulted and humiliated, a closet affair led to the end of their 4-year marriage. Sunita leaves her husband and goes to her father's house. After Sunita's departure, her husband said, 'Sunita often asked me to build the toilet. But I don't have money to build a toilet. Because my father died, the whole family is dependent on my little income.' Even in this period, such news is really very strange in this world.

Note that almost 92 percent of the houses in the remote areas of Jharkhand state in India do not have toilets. 82 percent in Bihar, 78 percent in Uttar Pradesh, more than 85 percent in Odisha, Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh do not have toilets. Source: NDTV.

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