The Dhaka Times
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This time standing in front of the movie camera!

The Dhaka Times Desk Despite signing a contract a few years ago, popular singer Padshir could not appear in front of the camera. Now the neighbor is standing in front of the movie camera.

the movie camera & Porshi

Last year, Padshi was signed to act in the film 'Mental'. But even though a lot of time has passed, the shooting of the film has not started. And therefore did not stand in front of the camera. Tomorrow, May 24, Padshi will participate in the shooting of the film 'Mental'. There will be shooting for 2/3 consecutive days of various scenes in the neighborhood.

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The student told the media that he could not participate in the shooting for so long due to his busy schedule. Padshi will also be seen as a music artist in the film. Whose hero Shakib Khan became a fan.

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Shakib Khan played the lead role in 'Mental' directed by Shamim Ahmed Rony. Along with her are two more popular actresses of the present time, Tisha and Anchal.

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