Categories: general

The risk of diabetes increases due to night waking!

The Dhaka Times Desk A bad habit has become many people and that is staying awake at night. Staying up till late night busy in various ways. But we do not know that the body can be damaged due to night waking. Night waking increases the risk of diabetes.

Many of us have a habit of sleeping too much at night. But many of us do not know anything about its evil effects. Staying up late at night increases the risk of diabetes. A recent study has expressed such fears.

According to a published information, a group of Korean researchers work on the characteristics of the body clock of people who are night owls and early birds.

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Researchers have found that night owls have a higher risk of diabetes, metabolic syndrome and sarcopenia than others. Even though these two types of people sleep the same amount, people who are awake at night are at the highest risk. This is because, due to staying awake at night, sleep is reduced, the quality of sleep is reduced, and the time of eating also changes. Due to these reasons, many changes occur in the metabolism as a result of the habit of staying awake for a long time.

The study involved 1,620 individuals between the ages of 47 and 59. Each of them provides information about their bedtime and wake-up times, lifestyle and habits. Their total body fat, lean body mass and abdominal fat were then measured using DEXA and CT scans. It can be seen that among all 480 people got up early in the morning. Only 95 of them are nocturnal people. The rest are people with a chronotype just in between these two.

Studies have shown that people with nighttime habits have higher body fat and triglyceride levels than others. Not only this, they are more prone to sarcopenia. Sarcopenia is a complication in which the patient gradually loses muscle mass. It can be seen that the risk of diabetes and sarcopenia is higher among men. Fat belly and metabolic syndrome are more common in women.

These people are suffering due to the habit of staying awake at night, but there is really nothing to be done about it. This is because many people develop these habits based on their genetic makeup.

Researchers think it can be controlled. Because people are slaves to habits. That is what can be practiced. Maybe this will take some time. But if you want, you can eliminate the habit of waking up at night. Do it slowly. First reduce the night time by one hour. After that, you can develop the habit of going to bed early and waking up early without staying up late at night for another hour. And that will be good for you.

This post was last modified on May 22, 2015 10:48 am

Staff reporter

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