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The world's biggest crocodile story

The Dhaka Times Desk No one has ever seen such a large crocodile. But now you will see. This huge crocodile story is in today's report.

world's biggest crocodile story

Various competitions are going on all over the world. However, in this age of technology, one can now calculate how much he could record. Little did a family from Alabama, USA, know that they had set a world record without even wanting to. However, the family did not have to do much for this record. This family entered the world record book just because of a crocodile.

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According to media reports, the family captured the 15-foot-9-inch alligator in Mill Creek, Alabama last August. After catching them, they did not realize that this crocodile was bigger than any crocodile found so far and deserved something different. The nearly 1100-pound alligator is now on display at an Alabama museum for public viewing. Every day a large number of people come to see the largest crocodile in the world.

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According to animal scientists, the captured crocodile would be around 24 to 28 years old. This age range was determined by examining the leg bones of the crocodile. Currently, zoologists are doing a lot of research on the crocodile. More detailed information about the crocodile will be known in the near future.

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It is known that Mandy and her family have to be very fast to catch the crocodile. The family was able to catch the crocodile after working for about 5 hours with a total of 5 family members. After posting the picture of the crocodile on social media, there was a huge response and zoologists contacted Mandy's family. And that's how everyone started getting interested in the world's biggest crocodile. Now thousands of people are coming to see this huge crocodile after keeping it in the magic room.

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