The Dhaka Times Desk An under-construction building next to the Sundarban Hotel on Panthpath of the capital has collapsed. The adjacent buildings are at risk due to this collapse. Security personnel have been stationed on nearby roads.
A large part of the side road has been caved in for the construction of the extended building of the Sundarban Hotel on Panthpath west of Kawran Bazar in the capital. The entire 8-story building of Hotel Sundarbans is in serious danger.
This incident happened on Wednesday around 7:30 am. Although there were no casualties, the boarders and employees of the hotel were quickly evacuated after this incident. After the incident, the service ordered to evacuate the Sundarban hotel.
It is known that a part of the road suddenly gave way in a large hole made for the construction of an extended building on the empty land on the north side adjacent to Hotel Sundarban. At that time, the small shanty shops and sheds built for the workers on the side of the road collapsed into the hole. The soil kept falling from under the hotel building into the hole. A large part of the building has been hollowed out by the movement of the ground. There is a danger of the hotel building collapsing at any moment.
This post was last modified on মে ২৭, ২০১৫ 11:54 am
দি ঢাকা টাইমস্ ডেস্ক ॥ অনেকই সুজি খেতে খুবই ভালোবাসেন। তাই তারা প্রতিদিন সুজির পায়েস,…
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