The Dhaka Times
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Maitri Express will also run on the Khulna-Kolkata route

The Dhaka Times Desk Railway's Dhaka-Kolkata route Maitri Express train will also run on Khulna-Kolkata route. India has agreed to a proposal to open a rail network between Northeast India and the rest of India using Bangladesh's rail network.


Ahead of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's upcoming visit to Bangladesh on June 6, senior Bangladeshi railway officials in Delhi on Thursday agreed to make a proposal to open a rail network between Northeast India and the rest of India using Bangladesh's rail network.

According to the news, officials of both the countries have also agreed in principle to fully air-condition the Dhaka-Kolkata Maitri Railway and to start the Khulna-Kolkata direct passenger service. The India-Bangladesh Inter-Governmental Meeting (IGRM) also decided to complete a joint study to launch the Khulna-Kolkata rail. India has reiterated its interest in starting container trains between the two countries immediately.

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