The Dhaka Times
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BREAKING: Gazipur garment factory fire finally under control

The Dhaka Times Desk The fire at the Garment Factory in Gazipur was finally brought under control after the day-long unrest and relentless efforts of the firemen.

Gazipur factory fire Control

The fire at the garment factory in Gazipur was brought under control after about 19 hours. The upper few floors of the 7-storey steel-framed building collapsed in the fire. However, no casualty was reported in the fire.

A fire broke out in a garment factory named Dignity Textile Mills Limited in Betjuri area of Sreepur upazila yesterday around 2:30 pm. The fire service said that the fire came under control at around 9:30 am on Monday. The steel structures were weakened and melted by the fire. But the smoke is still coming out.

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