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Watch the chimpanzees react to seeing their reflection in the mirror! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk Animals have different reactions when they see their reflection in the mirror. Many of us may know the lion's reaction. But look at the reaction of chimpanzees who behave like humans!

reflection in the mirror

We have also heard many stories. How to tame a ferocious lion by looking at your reflection in the mirror. But there is another animal of the forest whose nature is very similar to that of man. Many people have not seen how that chimpanzee actually sees his own reflection in this mirror. Today's event has one such report. Watch that in the video. In fact, what is the mirror reflection reaction of this chimpanzee remains to be seen.

A French photographer, Xavier Hubert Breiri, and his wife placed mirrors in various places in the forest of African gibbons to observe these reactions. During the journey, these animals were amazed to see their own image in the mirror. So let's watch that video.

Watch the video

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