The Dhaka Times
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This time the Bangladeshi heroine Parimony on Indian TV channel

The Dhaka Times Desk This time, Bangladeshi actress Parimoni will be seen on Indian TV channels. An advertisement of Pranup was dubbed into Hindi for airing on Indian channels.

Indian TV channel parimani

Parimoni, the most talked about actress of the present time, will be seen on Indian TV channels as well. Recently an advertisement of Parimani's Pranup has been re-dubbed in Hindi for airing on Indian channels. Another popular singer Nancy has sung the jingle in Hindi for that advertisement. However, earlier he did the same jingle in Bengali.

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It is known that the ad of Pranup was made to promote in Bangladesh. Recently various products of Pran including Pranup are also being sent to India, so it is reported that the advertisement jingle is being done in Hindi language to promote their products in that country. Pran authorities said that the advertisement will be aired in both languages on various channels in Bangladesh and India very soon. The ad also features Arifin Shubo along with Parimoni.
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