Categories: international news

Biodiversity: The story of a small 'thornbill' bird that cries!

The Dhaka Times Desk Not only humans cry, animals also cry. But we have heard the cry of a dog or a wolf before. A bird was heard. There is a story of a bird that cries today.

The bird that is being talked about today cries like a wolf. Not only that, this bird perfectly mimics the sounds made by other birds, including hawks, when they are in danger. Australia's smallest bird, the brown thornbill, is the main reason for such prowess is to protect the nest (home) and itself. The thornbill bird looks a lot like a sparrow.

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According to media reports, this brown thornbill is commonly found in eastern and southeastern Australia and Tasmania. It is 3.4 to 10 cm in length. Basically they live by eating insects. There are five species of thornbill birds. In addition to brown, white and gray thornbills are often seen.

A group of researchers from the Australian National University have been researching this brown thornbill bird for a long time. The research team is led by researcher Robert Maggarth. The researchers confirmed that the brown thornbill mimics a variety of sounds. Researchers brought a stuffed owl near a brown thornbill and recorded its reactions.

"After taking the stuffed owl to Thornbill, we hear some different bird sounds," said Robert Maggarth, head of the research team. But no birds were there except the brown thornbill. Later researchers confirmed that it was the brown thornbill that was making these sounds.

Although the matter of imitating the sounds of other animals is not new among birds, researchers think that the matter of imitating the sounds of other animals to save themselves is new. Moreover, even though the brown bird is such a small bird, it imitates the sounds of birds and animals several times larger than it is amazing.

Brown thornbills are not good enough at mimicking the sounds of other birds or animals, but they are good enough to scare off other animals, such as birds 40 times their size, the research team thinks.

This post was last modified on জুলাই ৭, ২০২১ 1:34 pm

Staff reporter

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