The Dhaka Times
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What to do to keep the laptop charged longer

The Dhaka Times Desk There are many times when the laptop needs to be charged for a long time. It is not possible to take the charger with you when you go somewhere. And in that case, this report is about what to do to keep the charge longer.

Laptop, longer charged

Currently, while browsing the web from a laptop, tab or smartphone, the issue of charging becomes a cause of concern. Google is working on the issue of reducing the charge while browsing the web. Google is facilitating the viewing of Flash videos by saving charges on web pages.

According to media reports, Google recently signed an agreement with software maker Adobe Systems to update the Chrome browser. By doing this, those who use Chrome browser on PC or laptop will not run out of extra battery charge for Flash Player. Flash users experience is expected to improve.

Google authorities have said that a feature has been added to the Chrome browser, which will be able to detect all types of Flash content on a web page. This will only play the one that is central to the web page. If Flash can't detect content or it's important to the user, it will only play when the user clicks on that content.

Google authorities said, this function will automatically be associated with the updated version of Google Chrome browser. Users can go to Google's content settings page and select 'Detect and Run Important Plugin Content'. Google is thinking of bringing more advanced and energy-saving systems in the future to save the charge of the PC for a long time. News from NDTV.

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