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Books on human skin: an ancient mystery!

The Dhaka Times Desk An ancient mystery has left scientists speechless, and that is a book in human skin! Is this even possible? And so scientists are surprised.

The skin of the book

One can't help but be surprised by the news in the media. Because binding books with leather is nothing new, but so are books bound with human skin. Scientists are practically speechless when this mystery, which is several hundred years old, comes to light. Is this even possible? There are a few books at the root of the mystery. This book is medieval. Scientists are afraid to turn the pages of books. The main reason is that Ghenna is working in the mind. When the mystery first surfaced, chills ran down the spine. It was hard for everyone to believe. Some seventeenth-century books have been found in the century-old Harvard University library. These books were bound with human skin.

The skin of the book-2

According to media reports, several ancient books have recently been found in Harvard's library. In the seventeenth century the books were called anthropodermic bibliopegies. The most amazing thing is that these books are bound with human skin.

In this regard, scientists say that the plan to bind books with human skin was the doctors of that time. Their statement was like, 'In order to use it without wasting anything, the skin was taken off the dead body and books were bound at that time.' A total of 3 books were found from the Harvard library. These books are, respectively, on Roman poetry, French philosophy, and medieval Spanish law.

The research reveals all the sensational information. It is said that publishers who bound books with human skin never mentioned themselves or the publishing company in the book. The whole process was kept very secret so that people would not know. But whatever the case, scientists are doing extensive research on such cases. Because why such a cruel thing like binding books with human skin was done is still a mystery.
