The Dhaka Times
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Fresh mangoes from the garden and the mango farmers of our country

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Today is Sunday, 21 June 2015 Christ, 7 Ashad 1422 Bengal, 3 Ramadan 1436 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.

The mango garden

The picture you are looking at is a view of a mango orchard. Mangoes are held in bunches. This time is mango time. This time there are many mangoes in the country. So mangoes are celebrated in mango orchards. Such a view of mangoes is really nice. It is the pride of our country.

The yield of mangoes has been very high compared to other years. And because of the high yield, the price of mangoes is very low. Common people can now buy and eat mangoes. But the mango farmers are facing losses. They are not getting the real value of the mangoes they produce.

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