Toshiba is now bringing Windows 10 powered laptops

The Dhaka Times Desk Toshiba is now going to bring Windows 10 powered laptops to the market. Toshiba has announced that the new 5 series laptops have been made compatible with Windows 10.

Toshiba laptopToshiba laptop

Toshiba is now going to bring Windows 10 powered laptops to the market. Toshiba has announced that the new 5 series laptops have been made compatible with Windows 10.

Toshiba authorities told the press that the new series of laptops will be given new software or will have the opportunity to update them. New PCs are being released with the customer in mind. These include basic laptops, hybrids to gaming laptops. It is reported that these PCs are being made keeping in mind the benefits of Microsoft's Windows 10.

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They say that the Satellite series of laptops will be everyday products. These laptops priced at USD 349 will be marketed today from June 21. It will include the Windows 8.1 operating system or Windows 10 when it is released after July 29. In addition to the C series, Toshiba is releasing new products in the L, S and Radius series - this has been reported by Toshiba. Toshiba believes that Toshiba products will become more popular as consumer convenience increases.

This post was last modified on জুন ২০, ২০১৫ 12:48 pm

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